16 Haziran 2011 Perşembe

iphone 5 release date uk and price

iphone 5 release date uk and price. pricing and a release date
  • pricing and a release date

  • DHUK
    Sep 1, 03:10 AM
    Isn't it obvious?

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. iPhone 5 does not let you
  • iPhone 5 does not let you

  • sal
    Apr 4, 12:38 PM
    Had this security guard done nothing and instead hide in a corner somewhere like most of you would, I could only imagine some of the comments you guys would post.

    security guards in general get so much heat from the general population. Armed guards are there to protect life and property. they don't respond like they should in these situations, they aren't doing their job. Most guards, don't do their job and this is why they get ridiculed. this guard does his job and you get people saying things like "security guards shouldn't carry guns, OMG"

    Rent-a-cops have guns? And shoot people IN THE HEAD? I'm amazed.

    pretty amazing huh? I use to do armed security. Sometimes when I do duty without a gun, I'd get all kinds of wise-ass side remarks about being a rent a cop. when I carried my gun, I got nothing but respect. the "rent-a-cop" remarks stopped. or maybe they just said it very low so I couldn't hear. Not sure why, I am not going to shoot anyone for an insult :D

    and yes, if my life or those I am working to protect are threatened by you, this "rent-a-cop" would shoot you in order to save my life or those around me. No questions asked.

    How sad,
    I mean a person lost his life because of his actions, and the guard now has to live with the fact that he took a life.
    when you take your permit to carry a gun, they make it a point NOT to get your permit if you are not emotionally capable of handling taking someone's life. You don't wear a gun for show, you wear it for protection. if you come from the mentality that you could never shoot someone, even if your own life or those around you in is in danger, then leave your gun at home and pick a different job.

    I'm sorry but those guys deserved it. Why should the mall guard have to wait until his life in in danger before putting someone else's life in danger?
    it's the law, otherwise you open up yourself to be thrown in jail or face a civil lawsuit. the judge has to see that without a reasonable doubt, your life was in danger and you did what was needed in order to protect it or protect the life of those around you.

    it's a judgement call you have to make and sometimes it's not an easy one to make because there are so many variables. Having an adrenaline rush and chaos all around you, makes it very easy to make mistakes. such as shooting a suspect as he is running away. missing shots and hitting bystanders. Pulling the trigger preemptively and killing someone without a "real" threat.

    the messed part is that armed security guards, don't get the same type of protection police get. Had this been a police shooting, I bet half of these responses would be different.

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. By the end of July the iPhone
  • By the end of July the iPhone

  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 10:13 AM
    Section 4b of the software license agreement explains it all:


    iphone 5 release date uk and price. Galaxy Ace UK release date
  • Galaxy Ace UK release date

  • EspressoLove
    Apr 22, 07:08 PM
    This may have been asked and answered before, but is the common belief that USB and Firewire will be completely gone soon? For example, my Macbook Air has room for only two ports - a mini-display drive, and a USB drive. Is the idea that the Thunderbolt drive will replace the USB, and that purchasers of the new Air will use an adapter of some sort for "old" USB peripherals moving forward?

    If Apple has this expectation, they had better at least sell an appropriate adapter/hub. I've long thought a thin, form-matching hub that connects to all of the ports on one side of an Apple portable would be a great idea. If Apple can make a 2- or even 3-port USB hub off of the Thunderbolt port (especially if a Mini Display-Port is also available) for ~$50, that would be golden for this type of MBA plan.

    You both think into it too much:
    - FireWire was gone from Apple's "future of notebooks" since the beginning of time (2008:rolleyes:)
    - Thunderbolt is not replacing USBs, it's a supplement to DisplayPort (and can connect to both display and peripherals simultaneously)

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. iPhone 5#39;s release date
  • iPhone 5#39;s release date

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Sep 10, 11:22 PM
    I'm still taken aback by Sun doing what Intel's doing now, but doing it 8-10 years ago. What the heck happened to SUN?

    Were you reading propaganda from Sun, or something from an unbiased source?

    The P6 systems that you're talking about in the mid '90s were very similar in architecture to today's Intel systems.

    The P6 systems had a shared FSB, so memory bandwidth was shared by the two processors. The SPARC systems usually had a crossbar switch, so that in theory each CPU had a private memory path. (The Woodcrest systems have an FSB per socket, to a shared memory controller.)

    While the crossbar really shined when you had 32, 64 or more processors with many, many GiB of RAM - for a dual CPU system it really wasn't worth the cost.

    Woodcrest, the PPC G5, and AMD aren't using crossbar memory controllers today....

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. that iPhone 5 release can
  • that iPhone 5 release can

  • briansolomon
    Sep 5, 10:33 AM
    I think I speak for most everyone when I say that feeling we used to get, before Intel processors were in the machines, is back.

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. the iPhone 5 release date?
  • the iPhone 5 release date?

  • Lollypop
    Sep 10, 06:36 AM
    Powerbook G5 tomorrow!!! LOL ok, ok.. before someone shoots me .....

    I would really like a mid range mac, and kentsfield would be ideal! Everyone is worried about such a machine taking away sales from either the Mac Pro or the imac, but I still say apple should just be smart enough and feature it so that people either have to to imac, mac extreme or mac pro. 2 pci express slots, single optical drive, smaller amount of total memory, instead of having people have to go for the mac pro why cant apple make the mac pro the real high end workstation and have something smaller be a the mainstream workstation?

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. htc sensation uk price HTC
  • htc sensation uk price HTC

  • Repo
    Apr 30, 03:48 PM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    Apple did the same thing with USB.

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. iphone 5 release date
  • iphone 5 release date

  • pre10c
    Apr 20, 10:09 AM
    everyone is fine with sharing their personal info on facebook but a device that remembers where it has been?omg no!! anyway there aint a probleme as long as you dont lose your pc or iphone right?

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. iphone 5 release date
  • iphone 5 release date

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 12:36 PM
    "Shooting To Wound" is purely a product of television, movies, and video games. In real situations where gunfire is exchanged, milliseconds count, and center mass until the target is down is the ONLY reality.

    I know. And heroics by gun toting civilians is mostly a product of fantasy as well. The idea of whipping your gun out to save the day is absurd. Most shootings occur with no warning. If you were always hyper-vigelent and ready to brandish your gun, you would likely be a danger to those around you.

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. Iphone 5 Release Date
  • Iphone 5 Release Date

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 18, 12:04 PM
    Depends where you work. My job, I get 10 holiday days, and 20 vacation/sick leave days. But at former jobs, I got no paid time off.

    That's incredible! How can that be the case? Here it is 28 days paid days off if you work a normal 5 day week.

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. iPhone 5 screen
  • iPhone 5 screen

  • androiphone
    Apr 20, 02:00 PM
    *Shrug* It is probably a feature enabled on the majority of GSM carriers for statistical purposes. Again, I don't see the problem. If this information is used to improve my network coverage, why should I care? If I'm not part of a secret terrorist cell, I don't see how my life is being negatively impacted by this information especially if it does not have any identifiable information attached to it.

    Apparently this feature is not enabled on Verizon phones.

    seriously did you not watch the video?
    mobile phone providers collect location data themselves from all phone automatically, this information is separately collected away from the mobile networks and is not (as we know) not given to the networks (and apple don't even collect it) and only stored locally.

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. and a release date from UK
  • and a release date from UK

  • iAlan
    Jul 14, 10:51 AM
    Remember that the pulse width is the reciprocal of frequency. At 4 GHz, the pulse width is 250 picoseconds. Light travels 0.000075 km in 250 picoseconds. There are 1 million mm in a km, hence light travels about 75mm in that time...

    ...In practice, propagation delays of this type are analyzed by CAD tools and the chip's physical layout is designed to minimize the signal path.
    Posts like the one from ksz above just remind me how computer-illiterate I am

    Reciprocal of frequency
    No idea what that means

    At 4 GHz, the pulse width is 250 picoseconds
    Isn't picoseconds a character from one of those Japanese card games?

    Propagation delays
    Isn't that something about people not having children till later in life, thus an aging population?

    Anyway, let's hope Apple can bring something to market that is leaps above Windows boxes (and not the ones you put flowes in outside your house) and in a nice new enclosure

    Fingers crossed

    :D :D :p :D :D

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. iphone 5 release pics. iphone
  • iphone 5 release pics. iphone

  • menziep
    Oct 27, 03:39 PM
    I support GreenPeace All the way!

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. Tesco Mobile launches iPhone
  • Tesco Mobile launches iPhone

  • BRLawyer
    Sep 5, 01:11 PM
    It will be either one of two things:

    1 - ONLY the iTMS Movie Store and perhaps updated Nanos;

    2 - The BIG ONE, the EARTHQUAKE we've been all waiting for...

    2a - iTMS Movie Store;
    2b - updated Nanos and iPods;
    2c - 23" iMac Special DVR Edition with Merom;
    2d - Wireless music sharing device for the Nanos as shown by the FCC filing;
    see https://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/oet/forms/blobs/retrieve.cgi?attachment_id=661453&native_or_pdf=pdf
    2e - Updated MBs and MBPs.

    Oh boy...better burn my credit card... ;)

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. Release Date: December 5, 2010
  • Release Date: December 5, 2010

  • diamond.g
    Apr 19, 09:25 AM
    1. If you are on Salary, you contractually agreed to get the job done regardless of the typical "work week". If you don't want to work long hours, don't accept a salaried position.

    2. I am just as whole-heartedly against forcing hourly employees to work unpaid overtime. That would be "theft" or "servitude". Totally different.
    I never understood exactly what it means to be a salary worker. Even when I am told I am a salary worker I still have to log my hours (as if I were paid hourly) and I still can't do overtime (==comp time). So what am I missing?

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. Verizon To Release iPhone 4
  • Verizon To Release iPhone 4

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 14, 12:39 PM
    Yes, but to the average consumer. These things aren't very important. They will be looking at Ghz, and Apple's "X times faster" looks at the processor. That is what Apple is marketing, not FSB.

    Yup, I know Apple's marketing loves to be ridiculous. :p 95% of customers* wouldn't notice the difference. I'm one of the 5% who will notice it but its not like I'm buying one, my iMac G5 will keep me happy for another 2+ years.

    *75% of statistics are made up on the spot ;)

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. motorola atrix uk release date
  • motorola atrix uk release date

  • spriter
    Sep 9, 02:08 AM
    I am moving up from an eMac 1 gigahertz G4. So I'm sure it will seem very fast to me. Probably more than I need.

    You're in for a treat. I went from a 1.2GHz G4 to MacBook (2HGz Yonah) and it's streets ahead in terms of performance. 4 times faster encoding a DVD with Handbrake is a godsend.

    The Merom iMac's are a great spec for the price.

    iphone 5 release date uk and price. apple iphone 5 release date.
  • apple iphone 5 release date.

  • cube
    May 3, 11:04 AM
    Would be great to have dual out on 11" MBA too. This way I could have dual displays at my remote office.

    Blame Thunderbolt.

    Mar 29, 11:33 AM
    i would hate to see msft dominate mobile os
    interesting projection from idc
    would like to see instead aapl ios and android over msft

    Apr 14, 12:22 PM
    So Panther Point has a Thunderbolt controller now?

    Apr 19, 10:12 AM
    Minimum wage needs to be increased, national healthcare needs to be implemented and tax holes closed. This country would be in a lot better shape as far as it's lower classes go, imo.

    We need unions to protect people from abusive BS like this (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/12/walmart-contracted-warehouse-workers_n_848262.html). Either that or we just need to have a limit on how big a company can get before it has to become the property of the employees.

    My answer: Walmart needs to be destroyed.. and bringing their blood-thirsty corporation to their feet is what I have planned for them.

    Sep 18, 12:48 AM
    I'm sure I late getting into the argument, and that fanboyism depending on what network youre own will not change, but I really think GSM does have better voice quality than any other network.

    I think the two of them are hard to compare. In this arguement, I'm not advocatinig CDMA, I'm just trying to show that there's no need to bash them as they are hard to compare.

    CDMA and TDMA both get the job done; they divide up bandwidth so that multiple users can use a base station at the same time. They way they do that is just different. That cliche phrase of "comparing apples to oranges" applies to the age old question of GSM vs. CDMA.

    Sep 14, 01:19 AM
    "One reliable MacRumors.com source has provided a more detailed description of one of the prototypes for the upcoming Apple Phone. The description has yielded this artist's rendition of the phone. (Click image for larger view). The phone offers a familiar look to iPod owners, with the preservation of the iPod click-wheel.

    The click-wheel is closer to the bottom of the device with the screen taking a vertical orientation. The click-wheel portion of the device reportedly slides down to reveal a traditional numeric dial-pad underneath. The front is black, while the back is chrome like the current iPod."

    Basically someone said "it will look like nano but with a bigger screen, and the scroll wheel slides down for the keyboard," then macrumors had some one do a mock up of it. (A poor one at that, shouldn't there be a discernable gap between the part that slides down, and the part that doesn�t)

    Is it just me or does the scroll wheel sliding down seem backwards? The revealed keypad would be recessed and in the middle of the phone, sounds awkward, and unattractive. Also would we not consistently hit buttons/scrolling on the scroll wheel while dialing a number?

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