3 Haziran 2011 Cuma

earth day pictures for kids

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  • Kebabselector
    Apr 30, 02:13 PM
    Isn't there an aftermarket for this?

    Not a real solution. Most people who want matte want the MBP type of option, no glass and real matte screen.

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  • for children. earth day

  • wisty
    Mar 30, 11:55 AM
    But they are not calling it 'Application Store'

    They are calling it 'App Store' ;)

    Nor 'App Market', 'App Shop', 'App Stop', 'App Emporium' (Apporium?), 'App Bazaar', or 'Steve's Discount App Dump'. There's lots of good names out there.

    earth day pictures for kids. your kids this Earth Day.
  • your kids this Earth Day.

  • lmalave
    Sep 27, 09:31 AM
    The RAZR was a smash because it was very stylish (which the Apple iPhone will certainly be, too). But it also has been huge because every carrier has had it available on subsidy, and it's been available in more than one color. Something I don't expect from the iPhone.

    It's also been such a huge seller because they are junk inside. I imagine every time a carrier has to replace a RAZR because it was insured Motorola counts it as another "sale".

    You have a short-term memory. Cingular had an exclusive on it for quite some time (at least 6 months), and was only available in one color (silver). I mean, I remember there was a big deal when the RAZR introduced the Black color!

    According to ThinkSecret, the iPhone deal is similar (Cingular exclusive for 6 months, then Apple can sign on with other providers). And, as you indicate, the iPhone will probably only be available in one color. This is desirable for a product launch, though, since it makes production, inventory control, etc. easier at at time when Apple can't predict consumer demand as accurately.

    What I'm hoping for is that Apple uses the metallic finish of its nanos. My Sony Ericsson has a metallic blue finish but is actually made of plastic. It would be sweet to have a real metal phone. I predict Apple will launch in a single metallic color (the nano black or silver), and then within a year or less provide all the nano colors.

    If you think about it from a marketing point of view, this makes total sense so use all the exact same nano colors, strengthening the association between the two. This would position the iPhone as an upsell from the nano. All Apple has to do is ensure that the profit per unit is the same or higher as the nano, and they don't have to worry about cannibalizing nano sales.

    In conclusion, the Think Secret article claims Apple expects to sell 25 million of the iPhones in the year 2007 alone. If Apple can pull that off, they will indeed be eclipsing the sales rates even of the highly successful RAZR. Unfortunately for Motorola, SonyEricsson, LG, Danger, Helio, etc., these eye-popping sales figures will come at the expense of all the othe "cool" phones that consumers were paying a premium for (RAZR, Walkman Phones, Chocolate, Sidekick, Helio). And not because these products necessarily compete head-to-head in terms of features, but rather because each person normally owns only one phone. So once consumers prioritize what they want in a phone, I predict many of them will opt to combine their iPod and phone into the same device. 25 million people making that choice in 2007 is not that far-fetched...

    earth day pictures for kids. Earth Day Activities For Kids:
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  • pondosinatra
    Mar 24, 08:42 AM
    Im with you on the glossy iMacs, there AWFUL to actually sit in front of and use for any lenght of time, talk about eye strain.

    MATT option iMac and im there in a flash, but im not holding out hope, the �1600 ive sat waiting for a new desktop is more and more likely going towards a home built i7 sandybridge rig, and windows 7 so that when i sit with my back to the window the screen doesnt just refelect the outside world and i have to squint through it rather than just see what im working on. I dont need a tree or a bus in my spreadsheets or word documents thank you apple.

    I Love my Macbook pro, with its MATT screen, i cant justify a MacPro expense, and the Mac Mini just doesnt cut it at the graphics card level, so that leaves the iMac, love the form factor, love the OS, hate the unusable migrane inducing shiney screen.


    the iPad i prefer the glossy screen, same with the iPhone, but then the occasions ill be using an iPad require me to have a bright colour screen for PDFs, and the lighting is usually bad enough that the reflective qualities are not a problem.

    Well it looks like my iMac will meet the minimum specs for Lion, so I might upgrade, but then that's it for me. I'll probably go to Linux or some alternative operating system. - Maybe I'll crack out my NeXT Dimension Cube :D

    earth day pictures for kids. earth day pictures for kids
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  • aswitcher
    Aug 31, 06:05 PM
    ...and 5 years later,

    5 year anniversary iPod...of course.

    earth day pictures for kids. Earth Day Kids Activities
  • Earth Day Kids Activities

  • swindmill
    Sep 13, 09:59 PM
    I really can't imagine Apple releasing a phone that scratches as easily as an iPod. And, as someone else pointed out, a click-wheel at the bottom would make the thing easy to drop...it would require two hands to use the wheel. I hope this rumor is coming closer to reality, but I can't imagine that rendition is anywhere near what the phone will look like.

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  • Earth Day Recycling Craft for

  • lilo777
    Apr 19, 04:08 PM
    Yeah cause a contract breach takes just as long to prove a IP suite. They'd get slapped so fast they wont know what hit them, not to mention other companies would see it as samsung being cowboys for mixing their two business up.

    I doubt those contracts last longer than one year and this is how long it will probably take for this lawsuit to get to court hearing. Samsung will be in a great bargaining position then.

    earth day pictures for kids. Earth Day Activities for Kids
  • Earth Day Activities for Kids

  • thedarkhorse
    Apr 25, 02:25 PM
    Retina resolution screens, high speed flash main drive with SSD/HDD secondary, no optical bay and carbon fiber.

    earth day pictures for kids. one of several Earth Day
  • one of several Earth Day

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 20, 01:57 PM
    *Shrug* It is probably a feature enabled on the majority of GSM carriers for statistical purposes. Again, I don't see the problem. If this information is used to improve my network coverage, why should I care? If I'm not part of a secret terrorist cell, I don't see how my life is being negatively impacted by this information especially if it does not have any identifiable information attached to it.

    Apparently this feature is not enabled on Verizon phones.

    Totally agree, if Apple turns every iPhone into a listening device, what's the problem if it ends up improving noise cancelling? And by a strange coincidence, I'm not part of a terrorist cell either.

    Has there been any actual information about this information being used for improving network coverage? As far I as I know, Apple has still not said one word about this. And why is it not encrypted?

    earth day pictures for kids. with your kids earth day
  • with your kids earth day

  • Full of Win
    Apr 25, 04:10 PM
    Single card? Do you even know what SLI is? Did you even read the article? :rolleyes:

    I'm still waiting.

    Reading is so fundamental. It said "Quad-SLI-capable". Where in the article did it say it was in an SLI configuration?

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  • Earth Day Kids Poster by

  • cmaier
    Nov 17, 06:53 PM
    Because the iPhone doesn't have a copyright.

    it has a trademark. also see my previous post, and the linked tweet - apple frequently rejects apps for containing representations of iPhones (including hand drawn images that are not copyright by Apple). That's the point.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 11:43 AM
    The problem with stolen Apple products would be no Applecare.

    Anyway, these mall cops should carry Taser Apps on their iphones.

    earth day pictures for kids. Happy Earth Day!
  • Happy Earth Day!

  • calculus
    Oct 12, 02:54 PM
    Here's a challenge. How about everyone here who has an iPod gives $10 or equivalent to this charity?

    earth day pictures for kids. Earth Day coloring pages.
  • Earth Day coloring pages.

  • jonpwnz
    Apr 4, 01:02 PM
    holy crap. im surprised the guard made it through that, and to top it off killed and wounded two of them. I mean come on hes just a mall security guard. with like no training.. unless hes one of those retired navy seal type security guards.

    earth day pictures for kids. earth day pictures for kids to
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  • Cameront9
    Aug 23, 05:32 PM
    Steve Jobs knew this was a BS patent and it shows in his comments. Absolutely Stupid. Hell, the LISA had a Hierarchal File System. I'm still angry that this patent was even granted in the first place.

    Bottom line: Creative knew this was a BS patent, too, but they figured they had to try. However, when the patent was granted to them, they had a weapon in their war against the iPod. Rather than concentrate on making a better product, they used this weapon as a way to get some quick cash. They bet on Apple settling and not going to court.

    In the meantime, MS comes in and announces Zune, which threatens other WMA compatible players like Creative's offerings. Creative now thinks they need a backup plan and decides that during the negotiations with Apple, they can get them to give them a license to produce iPod-approved products. Now they have a fallback incase their own offerings fizzle out.

    The question is: Will they go after Microsoft, too? It would be hypocritical not to, after all.

    earth day pictures for kids. earth day pictures for kids.
  • earth day pictures for kids.

  • Mac-Addict
    Aug 31, 06:46 PM
    well I need cash and i need cash fast if they put the prices up on a macbook pro after it gets the merom chip *Preys to god that prices dont go up* plus if the "iPhone" comes out im going to need to get one of those too :D perhapes i will sell my psp..

    earth day pictures for kids. #100769190 Earth Day Kids
  • #100769190 Earth Day Kids

  • firsttube
    Sep 13, 09:57 PM
    My friend has that phone, it's amazing.


    Some of you may not like the slider style, but most consumers love it. And love the idea of a True music playing cell phone that can replace your iPod (nano at least)

    I wouldn't say amazing, but I really like it. The interface is very inconsistent, however. I complain quite a bit about that - but then again, maybe I'm spoiled! :D

    earth day pictures for kids. Earth Day for Kids Webinar:
  • Earth Day for Kids Webinar:

  • Anonymous Freak
    Sep 19, 10:33 PM
    I wonder if these people are buying one to "test it out" or are buying multiple movies.

    Well, I bought one "to test it out" (as I've done with each iT[nee M]S intro.)

    But I also bought a couple TV shows that I had wanted before, but didn't want at 320x240. The 640x480 version of the Babylon 5 Pilot looks just as good as my DVD copy. (And it's nice, because it's the as-originally-aired version, not the TNT give-plot-away-early edit.) The CG looks a little worse, but that's because it was worse. (They re-did some of the CG for the TNT version.)

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  • earth day posters by children

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 09:42 AM
    Looks the same to me! Its icons in a grid!

    You should offer your legal services to Samsung. :p

    Apr 30, 03:10 AM
    There are two groups of Apple consumers:

    Group 1: The people who jumped on the Apple bandwagon in or after Y2K

    Group 2: The people who have been loyal Apple consumers prior to Y2K. I belong to this group.

    Prior to jumping on the bandwagon, many of the folks in Group 1 and the rest of the world made fun of the folks in Group 2. Group 2 people were often considered crazy cultists with a "sad fetish" for Apple (it took a certain type of individual to recognize the insane greatness of Apple products). Group 2 people were also considered stupid/misguided for sticking with Apple. Many of the people in Group 1 and the rest of the world most likely agreed with Michael Dell when he said Apple should close down.

    Fast forward to today. Apple now generates more revenues AND profits than Microsoft. This is an important milestone for the Group 2 folks for the simple reason that Apple has finally won the technology war. It may have lost the PC battle but Apple is now indisputably the technology innovation champion. And it became the champion WITHOUT any benefit of a monopolistic position that Microsoft had over the PC operating system for decades.

    When I hear comments from people dismissing the significance of Apple surpassing MSFT in profits, I know that these people belong to either Group 1 or are MSFT fanboys. They will never understand the blood, sweat, and tears that Apple and its cult members had to go through to reach this point.

    Congratulations, Apple, for reaching the pinnacle. Thanks for doing what you do best: making insanely great consumer technology.

    May 2010 join date complaining about bandwagon jumping. Go figure.

    Apr 22, 02:08 AM
    This seems like apple did a very bad compromise. I am suspecting that apple will not allow other source music. It would be pretty hard to confirm if that is the song to give you access to the song on their online copy. I doubt they will do an unlimited access either.

    May 1, 12:42 AM
    Wouldn't a more relevant comparison be Apple and HP since they are both hardware companies and MS really isn't in the same category hardware wise?

    Mar 30, 01:28 PM

    Apr 23, 02:31 PM
    Yes, built-in 3G is more costly to buy, usually locked into a particular carrier (what do you mean I can't switch my 1500$ laptop to a new carrier ?) and with the Rev D's 2nd USB port being next to a display port, the "extension" cable is moot.

    So you are quite missing tons of things. The current scheme of "get a stick from your carrier" is the best as far as costs and carrier non-attachment go. I tether to my iPhone using Bluetooth anyhow, making the USB thing even more moot.

    Built-in 3G is overrated.

    It's just not up-to-date anymore. At least for a company that claims to be on the bleeding edge.

    My iPad is not locked into a specific carrier and it's a officially fully supported configuration. So it's not really alchemy involved. Same could be done for the MBA. I also do not intend to abuse my iphone as a modem - I don't see why I do have to keep two devices going to get *one* of them online. That iPhone workaround sounds like a real bad excuse to me - it's just a way of keeping carriers happy (because phones usually are bought directly from the carriers with a 1+ year lock-in and for computers I assume people would rather turn to the AppleStore).

    For my laptop I also want to have a different carrier and price plan.

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